6th Ibero-American
Congress on Sensors

24-26 November 2008
Morumbi Blue Tree Towers Hotel
São Paulo , SP, Brazil


 Call for Papers

 Paper Submission

 Author's Information

Guidelines for

Invited Talks

Preliminary Program





 Organizing  Committee






Extended Abstract Submission

PDF version of the Extended Abstract Submision.

Invited conferences and accepted contributions on original research works shall cover (non-exclusively) the following fields of interest:

­ Chemical-, mechanical-, optical-, electrical-, magnetic-, thermal-,
optical-, ultrasonic sensors

­ Nanosensors

­ Intelligent Sensors & Wireless networks

­ Microfluidics and  MicroAnalysis Devices

­ Sensor Microsystems

­ Materials, fabrication & packaging techniques for sensors

­ Sensor signal conditioning and Instrumentation

­ Applied signal-and image processing for sensors

­ MEMS and actuators

­ MicroPower Generation

­ Environmental applications

­ Medical & point of care applications

­ Industrial applications

­ Agro-industrial and food industry applications

­ Biological and biomedical applications


Information for extended abstract submission

Prospective authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of their works in two A4-size paper (210x297mm) with at least 2 cm margins on all sides and at least 10 point type font. Extended abstracts may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, and should be sent in PDF format to abstract@ibersensor.org.

Authors are also solicited to specify their preference for presentation in oral or poster sessions, as well as to specify at least one of the fields above to which the work is related. If the principal author is a student please specify if the paper will participate in the best student paper award.

Please, include complete author's contact information: author name, affiliation, complete address, telephone and e-mail address.

Information for complete paper submission

When notified about acceptance, authors will be requested to submit a copy of the final, complete work. All papers accepted for presentation at the 6th Ibero-American Congress on Sensors (Ibersensor 2008) will be published in the form of CD Conference Proceedings. Best papers of each session will be published as a supplement in an indexed journal (to be announced). A guide intended to assist authors in preparing their final manuscript will be available at the conference website (http://brasil2008.ibersensor.org).